Change the company’s billing account

How can I change my company's billing account (bank account)?

Updated over a week ago


The billing account is the account to which Pliant will charge the regular direct debits required to repay any open billing amounts. It is usually set during the onboarding phase.

Switching the billing account

If your organization's Bank Accounts page already includes the bank account which you want to set as the new billing account, switching is easy. An admin user who is also registered as a legal representative of your organization just needs to

  1. Select the menu button to the right of the respective account

  2. Choose "Set as billing account"

  3. Confirm the SEPA mandate in the dialogue that opens.

How to add a new bank account as billing account

In case the bank account is not yet listed, you need to add it first. How you can add it depends on whether you were required to connect your bank accounts using Open Banking (PSD2).

If you previously have connected your bank accounts via PSD2, you will have to connect your new bank account as well in case you want to use it as a billing account. In this case, you can use the button on the top right of the Bank Accounts page to connect the new account. Just follow the instructions in the dialogue that opens.

If you have not been required to connect any bank accounts. You will find a button to add a new bank account on the Bank Accounts page. It will open a dialogue in which you can enter the IBAN of the required account. After adding it, you will be able to make this account your billing account as explained above.

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