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Requesting chargebacks

How to request a chargeback?

Updated over 4 months ago

A chargeback is a return of money to a cardholder of a transaction.

What are the cases of a chargeback?

There are two main reasons for a chargeback:

  • Criminal fraud: If you have a suspicious transaction from your credit card, not done by you or not to your knowledge.

  • Merchant abuse: If something goes wrong with something you’ve bought, and you can’t sort it out with the retailer. Several examples:

    • You bought something online that was broken, or you couldn’t return it.

    • The seller charged you two times by mistake.

    • You canceled during the purchase process, but you have still charged by the seller.

How can I request a chargeback for a Pliant transaction?

Please contact us either through the chat in our mobile or web app, or by submitting a ticket via our Support Form and our customer support team will review the dispute and will decide if it's valid or if you have to pay.

What happens when my chargeback request is accepted?

If your issuer accepts the dispute, the amount of the suspicious transactions will be credited to your account again. The transaction will appear with a "Chargeback" type of transaction on the transactions page.

What happens when my chargeback request is rejected?

If your dispute has been accepted for further investigation by the card issuer. The amount will be credited to your account immediately; meanwhile, the card issuer will investigate the case further. If the card issuer's decision is in favor of the merchants, then the credited amount will be recharged again. In this case, you see a "Recharge" type of transaction on the transactions page.

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