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Step 4: Export Transactions to DATEV
Updated over a year ago

To start the export to DATEV Unternehmen Online via API, please go to the Accounting Export tab. Select the transactions you want to export and add them to the export list.

Note: If you want to pre-assign the transactions, you can find help in the following articles:

If a receipt or a preliminary account assignment is missing for the selected transactions, an information message will appear, which you can skip by clicking on "Confirm".

The transactions you selected will now be on the export queue.

Note: Once the transactions are on the export list, they are frozen for card users and can only be edited in the accounting export (by employees with the roles accountant, admin, or owner).

If you still want to edit a transaction again, select the transaction and click "Remove from export list". The transaction will be moved back to the non-exported list, where you can edit it again.

If you want to finally export the transaction to DATEV, select the transaction and click on "Export selected".

After clicking on "Export selected" a window opens, where the option DATEV API is automatically preselected. In addition, you will receive a message about whether a document or initial account assignments are missing.

If you do not want to use the interface, you can alternatively change the export format to DATEV XML (for DUO) or DATEV CSV (for Kanzlei Rechnungswesen).

Click on "Start export" to initiate the export to DATEV in the background. This may take some time.

Note: We export two booking entries per transaction. (G/L account to vendor / vendor to credit card).

After successful export, the transactions including export date and export ID are displayed in the "Exported" tab.

Important: After the export, the transactions can no longer be edited in Pliant. In DATEV you still have the possibility to make changes.

You also have the option to re-export transactions, but only via DATEV XML (for DUO) or DATEV CSV (for Kanzlei Rechnungswesen).

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