Transaction category controls

How to assign category controls at card level

Updated over a week ago

The category control feature makes it possible to specify which types of payments are allowed at the card level. For example, a card issued for business travel can be restricted to the categories "Travel & Accommodation" and "Food & Beverage", thereby excluding payments in other categories. This type of limitation is also particularly useful in the marketing sector, as cards with high limits can be restricted to the "Advertising & Marketing" category.

To add category controls to a card, follow these steps:

  1. Head to the "Cards" page in the admin app and click on the card.

  2. Click on "Edit card controls".

  3. Enable the card control with the toggle and choose whether to allow or block certain categories by selecting one of the two options.

  4. Select and add to the list one or more of the transaction categories.

You can always edit the category controls assigned to an existing card. In addition, card controls can be assigned at the time of issuing a new card.

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