Log into the Pliant web app to get started. If a card has already been issued for you, it will appear in the "Wallet". If the card is Virtual, you will be able to use is right away. If it is physical, you may need to wait a few days for the card to arrive so that you can activate it with the code enclosed with the card. If a card has not been issued for you yet, you can request a card through the app, as explained in this article.
Transactions made with your Pliant card(s) will appear in the "Transactions" page. Here you can manage various settings for the transactions and upload receipts. This article provides more information about how to manage transaction receipts.
We encourage you to download our mobile app as well, which will allow you to access your "Wallet" and list of transactions easily from your mobile device. The mobile app allows you to do the following actions on the go:
Access card details for your Pliant cards
Access your PIN code for your physical cards
Get real-time transaction notifications
Upload receipts on-the-go
Add notes to your transactions
Lock and unlock your cards instantly