Tax Identification Number (TIN)
Updated over a week ago

Why do I need to provide my TIN?

As a credit card provider, Pliant is obligated under the GWG, CRS, and FATCA to collect a unique identification number from each account holder, legal representative, and UBO. This unique identification number is the TIN, as each registered individual receives a unique TIN that is valid and permanent for their whole life. We must report information on the tax residency of customers who hold financial accounts to the German Federal Central Tax Office.

Visit the German Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) for further information on the requirement to provide your TIN.

Where do I find my TIN?

In Germany, every individual is required to register themselves to their local public office (Bürgeramt). Upon registration, the Federal Central Tax Office will send a letter informing them of their 11-digit TIN. This can also be found on all letters from the Tax Office and income tax returns.

In some countries, such as Finland and the Netherlands, you can find the TIN on your ID card.

For a full overview of where to find the TIN in each jurisdiction, please visit the OECD.

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