General Information
Due to increased security risks, payments in certain countries are only possible to a limited extent or not at all. We monitor these payments closely and divide them into 3 categories. High-Risk Countries are countries where there is an increased incidence of card fraud or which are not subject to the general visa guidelines.
You do NOT need to inform us before traveling to these countries.
In the table below you can see all High Risk Countries:
High-Risk Countries
Payments in these countries are heavily monitored and audited by Pliant. There is no special procedure for cardholders.
Albania | Eswantini | Moldova |
American Samoa | Ethiopia | Monaco |
Angola | Ghana | Mongolia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Gibraltar | Montenegro |
Azerbaijan | Guam | Morocco |
Bahamas | Guatemala | Mozambique |
Bangladesh | Guinea | Namibia |
Barbados | Guinea-Bissau | Nauru |
Belize | Haiti | Nepal |
Benin | Honduras | Pakistan |
Bolivia | India | Palau |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Indonesia | Panama |
Botswana | Jamaica | Paraguay |
Burkina Faso | Jordan | Peru |
Burundi | Kenya | Philippines |
Cambodia | Kosovo | Puerto Rico |
Cameroon | Kuwait | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Cayman Islands | Kyrgyzstan | Samoa |
Chad | Laos | Saudi Arabia |
China | Lebanon | Senegal |
Colombia | Lesotho | Serbia |
Comoros | Liechtenstein | Seychelles |
Costa Rica | Macau | South Africa |
Cote d'Ivoire | Macedonia | Sri Lanka |
Cyprus | Madagascar | Tajikistan |
Djibouti | Maldives | Tanzania |
Dominican Republic | Mali | Thailand |
Ecuador | Marshall Islands | Togo |
Egypt | Mauritania | Trinidad and Tobago |
El Salvador | Mauritius | Tunisia |
Equatorial Guinea | Mexico | Turkey |
High-risk countries under strict monitoring
Payments in these countries are possible, but the card is blocked after each payment and must be unblocked by the card user in the Pliant app.
Afghanistan | Iraq | Palestinian Territories |
Belarus | Liberia | Somalia |
Central African Republic | Libya | South Sudan |
Congo (Brazzaville) | Nicaragua | Sudan |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | Nigeria | Syria |
Cuba |
| Zimbabwe |
Eritrea |
Sanctioned countries
Payments in these countries are not allowed.
Islamic Republic of Iran | North Korea | Russian Federation |
Myanmar (Burma) | Kazahstan |